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Re: Gnome, the screensaver and the lock screen background

On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 11:32:43 -0800, tony mollica wrote:

> Here's what I found.  Simple, actually.
> The background image for the gnome-screensaver lock screen appears to be
> linked to which background image theme is being used at the time.  I
> changed the background theme (from right- click,Change Desktop
> Background) and now I have the black background that I was trying for. 
> At one point, I had the lock screen background displaying the same image
> as the desktop background, but that went away, I know not why.  Go
> figure.

It does not work for me.

Regardless of the background I have selected (solid color or bitmap 
image) I get a full-black background when locking the session.

Maybe as you upgraded, and not installed from scratch, you are still 
using GDM2 instead GDM3, which is what I have.

> On to the next problem, can't make changes to the Icedove message
> filters that stay in place after an Icedove restart.

Did you read my reply on that matter?
> Used to be Linux kept all the configs in one place, easy to find text
> files, easy to change.  Are there out of work micro$soft engineers
> making contributions?

What it seems is that there are many impatient people >:-)



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