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Re: xterm question

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 02:56:42AM -0500, Chris Jones wrote:
> but I don't do bind much..  just thought I'd tell Mike that nothing in
> the stupid computer is ???above his head???.. 

Thanks Chris for the vote of confidence.
Since I've programmed in awk, several versions of basic (5?), C,
Forth, fortran and Perl and debugged assembly and Pascal and
built or repaired hundreds of processor boards, I don't really 
think anything to do with computers is beyond my reach.

That said the complexities of 'nix is a broad subject and though
I've been a user for many years there is still so much I don't
know that it's easy to get overwhelmed. Rob's shortcut for instance:
    uxterm -fn -misc-fixed-medium-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
I've looked at the man pages for xterm and uxterm and can see that
'-fn' sets the font but have yet to find the explaination for the
'-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' part of that line. 

I read through the man page for bind several times trying to understand
how it could be used to setup key bindings and would probably be still
scratching my head had 'which bind' not come up empty. 
'help bind' showed me the bind you guys were using/discussing.
I work mainly on the commandline and have setup my own inputrc and
a script that calls loadkeys for readline editing functions in bash such
as ^Home --> bash:backward-kill-line but never used bind by itself.

Speaking of which, these mappings don't seem to carry over into xterm. 
Can you point the way to setup similar bash functionality in xterm?

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