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Re: Installing Debian from NFS

#include <hallo.h>
* RR [Fri, Feb 04 2011, 10:19:06PM]:

> helps build one a local mirror. It's been going on for almost 20 hrs and
> it's downloaded 28GB so far after I used a LOT of EXCLUDEs but oh well. Was
> a Bad move in a way since Squeeze is going to be out soon and then I'll have
> to build a mirror for that as well. I'm probably stupid or impatient but I
> didn't understand the concept of apt-cacher-ng from a brief glimpse. It's a
> HTTP proxy to a local mirror or some other mirror or does it make an NFS
> partition accessible via HTTP? Since it uses the word "cache" in it, I'm
> assuming, it caches the packages so everytime you need something you get it
> locally than reaching out to the Internet mirror?

Yes, it's a tiny HTTP proxy with some sugar, getting extra knowledge
from package databases or predefined configuration and making more
optimal decissions than ordinary HTTP proxies.

If you decide to use it, you could reuse the data you already
downloaded. There are instructions for integration into the acng cache
in /usr/share/doc/apt-cacher-ng/html/howtos.html . And if you want to
save some disk space and your NFS storage is permanently mounted, then
you could even put symlinks into the import directory (cp -asf
/download/... /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng/import/).

And if you still want to have a local snapshot of the whole Debian
archive in order to avoid future internet connections, there is a new
feature in recent versions called "Guided precaching". That function
actually examines some Packages.bz2/Sources.bz2 files (or whatever you
specify as long as the file is parseable by acng) and downloads
everything listed therein. Usually the resulting tree in the cache
directory is defacto a partial mirror, containing files which apt might
need for a certain architecture.

<NForcer> Und nun sehen sie das alphascorpii in der freien Wildbahn...
<NForcer> Es umschleicht den Malzkaffe, sein natürliches Beutetier..

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