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Re: rendering foreign characters in apache?

On 01/07/2011 03:51 AM, Zachary Uram wrote:
Running apache2 on Debian testing. What do I need to install/configure
to get Chinese or Japanese text to render in apache?
I cut/pasted some text from a RTF document and when I load the
document via http://server/document.html it is a bunch of gibberish
and the foreign characters (in this case Japanese) is not rendered. I
even added:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

to the HTML file but this made no difference.


<><  http://www.fidei.org><>

Can you do the trick with left-ctrl+alt+u and then add a 4 character hex Unicode from the list, which
I believe includes Japanese? You'll have to Google for the Unicode list.

That's the only way I know to get _real foreign_ foreign languages--it will do Greek and Arabic and Hebrew, and I think it will do Chinese and Japanese, and maybe even Korean. You might have to
do some sort of setup first.


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