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Re: [bash] script (redirect output) to file and email

On 24.09.2010 22:03, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
In<[🔎] 20100924141439.GN15819@wasteland.homelinux.net>, Jochen Schulz wrote:
Enrico Weigelt:
     do_rm() {
	while read FILE ; do rm -fr $FILE ; done

That won't work with spaces in filenames. :) "find … -exec" or "find …
-print0 | xargs -0" are the best ways to do this. Apart from "find …
-delete" which I regularly forget. :)

Actually, that *will* work with spaces in the filenames[1], since the shell
built-in read doesn't stop until end of line.  There are some other, even less
common, characters that can confuse read though: '\', '"', and NL.

[1] At least with single space characters.  Read might be sensitive to IFS/OFS
and merge runs of characters or translate all whitespace to space characters;
I'm not looking at the spec right now.

There might be some ppl finding this interesting:

eris:~# cat /tmp/tst
1, 2, foo bar
2, 3, bar foo
a       b
        a       b
c       d
 d      e

eris:~# while IFS= read -r; do echo "$REPLY"; done < /tmp/tst
1, 2, foo bar
2, 3, bar foo
a       b
        a       b
c       d
 d      e

eris:~# while read -r; do echo "$REPLY"; done < /tmp/tst
1, 2, foo bar
2, 3, bar foo
a       b
        a       b
c       d
 d      e

eris:~# while IFS= read -r foo; do echo "$foo"; done < /tmp/tst
1, 2, foo bar
2, 3, bar foo
a       b
        a       b
c       d
 d      e

eris:~# while read -r; do echo "$REPLY"; done < /tmp/tst
1, 2, foo bar
2, 3, bar foo
a       b
        a       b
c       d
 d      e

eris:~# while read -r foo; do echo "$foo"; done < /tmp/tst
1, 2, foo bar
2, 3, bar foo
a       b
a       b
c       d
d       e

GNU bash, version 3.2.39(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

on debian lenny.

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