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Re: Fw: udev rules network

On Sun, 05 Sep 2010 20:29:12 +0200, Bonno Bloksma wrote:


> If I recall correctly the udev rules are there to make sure the same
> device name is used for the same hardware during hardware changes and I
> can still see the advantage in case I need to add more network ports by
> adding another network card. The udev rules would then make sure the new
> ports come after the currect eth0, .., eth5.

Mmm, I think udev rules for network adapters are intended for getting the 
same eth* for every interface. But you need manually adjust that file to 
match each device with its MAC address.

> Is there a way to recreate a /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
> file based on the current situation?

You can edit that file at your convenience, that is, if the new 
motherboard ethernet adapters got renamed into eth2, eth3 and so on, just 
edit the rules to adjust them and get eth0, eth1 if that is your goal.

You can do this by commenting (#) the old rules and just add the new ones.



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