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help needed with gdal (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library)

Hi to Everyone !

I only have very basic knowledge on this subject, but I need to convert satellite image files (from Google Maps for instance) to the ECW format, so that I can use them with a special program that I have just installed into my GPS navigator.

I have installed the ''gdal-bin' package (which also installs libgdal1-1.5.0).

But, if I type, for instance :

bd@new-host:~$ gdal_translate -of ECW -co "TARGET=95" -co "DATUM=WGS84" -co "PROJ=GEODETIC" -a_ullr 19.161272 45.635686 19.374475 45.335836 /home/bd/1-10.jpg /home/bd/carte.ecw

I get :

Input file size is 5000, 10000
Output driver `ECW' not recognised.

The following format drivers are configured and support output:
 VRT: Virtual Raster
 GTiff: GeoTIFF
 NITF: National Imagery Transmission Format

A quick Google search taught me that the ECW format is being supported, but the column titled "Compiled by default" says : "No, needs ECW SDK"

So, I don't know what to do next, since I did not find any appropriate package in the Debian repositories to which I have access.

Thanks in advance for your help

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