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Re: DPKG search by architecture

On Sun, 01 Aug 2010 09:09:38 -0500, Jordon Bedwell wrote:

> I can't for the life of me remember how to do it outside of CentOS, but
> we want to remove 32bit libs and simply leave a plain 64bit system, yes
> I removed ia32-libs but there are still some remains so does anybody
> remember how to search for packages by architecture?

Remember that "ia32-libs" is a 64 bits compiled package, just provides 
the required 32-bit libraries for 32 bits programs.

Well, how about...?

dpkg-query -W -f='${Package}\t${Architecture}\n' > /$HOME/Desktop/arch.txt

I dunno how to filter "${Architecture}" to just match "i386" as the 
output string O:-)



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