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Re: Very slow LVM performance

On 7/12/2010 11:45 AM, Arcady Genkin wrote:
> I would still like to know why LVM on top of RAID0 performs so poorly
> in our case.

Can you provide the commands from start to finish when building the volume?

fdisk ...
mdadm ...
pvcreate ...
vgcreate ...
lvcreate ...


My experience has been that LVM will introduce about a 1-2% performance
hit compared to not using it, in many different situations, whether it
be on top of software/hardware RAID, on plain disk/partitions. So, I'm
curious what commandline options you're passing to each of your
commands, how your partitioned/built your disks, and so forth. Might
help troubleshoot why you're seeing such a hit.

On a side note, I've never seen any reason to increase or decrease the
chunk size with software RAID. However, you may want to match your chunk
size with '-c' for 'lvcreate'.

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