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Re: [info] grub2

Camaleón wrote:
> Bob proulx wrote:
> > Hmm...  Is there something in particular that makes grub different from
> > any other random project?  
> Yes. There are not many bootloaders out there with the same capabilities 
> that show GRUB :-)
> Besides, GRUB (legacy and 2) if the default bootloader in many linux 
> distriburions, as well as BSD and OpenSolaris. It manages well with many 
> different environments, is very flexible and powefull so it tends to be 
> the preferred bootloader choice in many places.

But I wasn't asking why you used grub.  I like grub very much.  I was
asking what made grub unique in needing to keep all of the
documentation for all versions in its history online.  That is the
part that I don't understand.

> > Does every project need to keep every version
> > of their history available and online for all time? Most don't.  
> Any project should care their history. In fact, their history is what 
> they are. And every release has to have documentation, relase notes, faq, 
> etc... Sure, they can keep it off-line and hide it from anyone but having 
> that information and make it publicly available is a "plus" that many 
> user value more that even other things.

Uhm...  Not publishing it is definitely not the same as hiding it from
their users.  The documentation is provided with the software.  Just
because documentation isn't online as html on a web server doesn't
make the project a bad project.  Anyone could take that documenation
and put it on a web server.

Since we have circled around this topic so much I think it is time to
agree to disagree and then move on.  I remain unconvinced that
documentation must be put in html format or that all historical
versions of the documentation for every project must be online in html
format.  No.  That is too much.  Sorry.  You can always read the
documentation /with/ the software you are using.

> Did you hear recently about Debian's snapshot archive?
> http://snapshot.debian.org
> That kind of initiatives makes me think why Debian is starting to like me 
> so much :-)

Yes.  But I have been using http://snapshot.debian.net/ for many years
before it.


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