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Re: how to set up a wireless access point

On Lu, 28 iun 10, 19:54:49, lee wrote:
> Hi,
> can someone point me to a good documentation about what's needed to
> make it so that computers can connect to my computer wirelessly?
> I've got a wireless network card which I'm thinking of putting back
> into my computer so that I can use the router as a modem only and have
> my computer do the firewalling/routing for the LAN via the wireless
> network card.

I've done this on lenny, but that machine is currently down so I'm 
writing from memory:

- install hostapd and configure it. The config file is very well 
  commented, just don't touch anything but the few parameters you need 
  (ssid, psk, ...)
- depending on your wireless chipset get a newer kernel from backports 
  and don't forget the firmware if needed
- configure your routing. I did it with shorewall, since the machine 
  needed a firewall anyway
- you might want to install dnsmasq which is a caching DNS server and 
  DHCP server
- if you also have wired clients you will need a second wired card and 
  bridge-utils with some tweaks to /etc/network/interfaces and 

If you have specific issues I might be able to help.

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