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Re: git rebase question

Hrm, this isn't actually on-topic for Debian-user.  You might have better luck 
with the Git user's mailing list.

On Tuesday 15 June 2010 05:50:45 Anand Sivaram wrote:
> I am trying to understand the different aspects of git rebase, especially
> the "--onto" option.  So I was going through "git help rebase".
> That made me consider a few other scenarios. 

Git's rebase in a nutshell:

Switch to the <branch> argument.
Determine where the current branch splits from <upstream>; call that MB.
Convert MB..HEAD into a quilt / series of patches; call that Q.
Reset <branch> to <newbase>, or <upstream> if --onto was not specified.
Replay Q, allowing the user to manually fix up issues or abort the whole 

> 1. The first example is "git rebase master" or "git rebase master topic"
> But if we want to use "--onto" option, this would become
> git rebase --onto master E topic
> or
> git checkout topic
> git rebase --onto master E
> Where E is ether the commit hash of E, HEAD~3, master~3 or any other
> tag/branch
> attribute of E in case there are any.
> Is it correct?

The "<upstream>" argument to Git's rebase can be anything that Git can resolve 
to a commit object.  That's true.

(git rebase --onto master master topic) does exactly the same thing as (git 
rebase master topic).

In this case, since E is the "branch point" / "merge base" for topic and 
master, (git rebase --onto master E topic) does the same thing as (git rebase 
master topic); as does (git rebase --onto master F topic) and (git rebase --
onto master G topic).

> 2. In the same example, when we do
> git rebase --onto F E topic
> Does the output become the following?
>           A'--B'--C' topic
>          /
> D---E---F---G master


> 3. In the same example, suppose we do
> git rebase --onto master B topic
> The output will become
>              C' topic
>             /
> D---E---F---G master


Commits A and B will still exist; they might be dangling objects, but they 
won't be immediately deleted.

> Is it like cherry picking just C
> git cherry-pick C


> Could anyone verify these answers?

How would you like me to do that?
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.           	 ,= ,-_-. =.
bss@iguanasuicide.net            	((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy 	 `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.net/        	     \_/

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