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Re: Acroread: accelerating the search through a PDF

On Sat, 29 May 2010 20:47:52 +0200
Merciadri Luca <Luca.Merciadri@student.ulg.ac.be> wrote:

> Hi,
> I sometimes have really long documents (>4000 p) for specs., or for
> other purely technical stuff. I sometimes look for a given model, or for
> a given word. The fact is that acroread reads ~8 pg/s, and, thus, if I
> do not know that my keyword is simply at the last page of the document,
> it takes 500s ~8 minutes and a half. How can I speed it up? Why is it so
> sluggish? Do not tell me that it is limited by R/W access on the HDD...

Don't know how useful it is, but I recently noticed that pdfgrep has
been added to Sid:

$ apt-cache show pdfgrep 
Package: pdfgrep


Description: search in pdf files for strings matching a regular expression
 Pdfgrep is a tool to search text in PDF files. It works similar to
  - search for regular expressions.
  - support for some important grep options, including:
    + filename output.
    + page number output.
    + optional case insensitivity.
    + count occurrences.
  - and the most important feature: color output!
Homepage: http://pdfgrep.sourceforge.net/> 

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