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Re: Grepping fonts for a specific glyph

On Fri, 29 Jan 2010 01:32:54 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:

> My first go at it just left the whole path... Now I have all these
> little gifs all over the filesystem!

Oops, "that hurts" -- thought that was obvious. :-) 

>>> One question, why mlocate instead of locate?
>> Well, "people say so", :-) I actually don't know -- all that I know is
>> slocate was far superior than locate, and slocate was replaced by
>> mlocate.

Oh, I remember, I believe locate can't do the -i (case insensitive 
search), and the most important reason that I choose mlocate over locate 
is its regexp searching capability. 

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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