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Re: Debian Live hangs on cd boot.

On 2010-01-12 at 12:23:49 -0500, Jack Schneider wrote:
> Hi, All  I have a debian live cd which starts to boot.  I get the
> ISOLINUX 3.71 Debian-2008-9-06 Copyright notice. Then it just hangs-
> cd active.  Disk is debian-live-502-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso  MD5 sums
> check out...Cd is on-top in bios boot priority.  Others, sysrescucd,
> Ubuntu, Debian testing net-installer all boot fine. I have tried other
> RW disks.  'may try CD-R disk if no one has a helping guess...

You haven't said what your hardware is, and this is just a wild guess.
But I have an old laptop which frequently hangs on cold boot from CD
(i.e. boot from power-on).  Warm boot from an already running operating
system (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) works fine.  Obviously, it's possible there's
something wrong with the image or with that particular burn of the image.
But try warm booting the Debian Live CD after booting something else
first.  In fact, try warm booting from the hang of the cold boot.
That is one possibility.  In the case of my laptop, the cold boot from
CD problem appears to be a BIOS bug.

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