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Re: Ubuntu 8.10 sees my home partition, sid of Dec. 25 doesn't

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 10:12:19AM -0700, Paul Scott wrote:
> Sorry for reposting but my home system is effectively unusable.
> Late on Dec. 25 I rebooted my sid system and my home directory is no
> longer visible to my system even to Grub.  It contains my home
> directory.  An Ubuntu 8.10 live CD sees it just fine.  I normally keep
> everything updated unless apt-listbugs shows.
> FWIW it's /dev/hda10 on a 40GB drive.  The / directory which is
> /dev/hda9 is completely visible and boots just fine.
> Is anyone aware of any changes at that time that would cause this?
> Any diagnostic ideas?

I had a similar problem not too long ago and used cfdisk to rebuild the partition table; somehow it got messed up and cfdisk fixed it, via using an Ubuntu 9.10 Live CD.  Might be worth looking into for you.  I think it worked because Ubuntu recognized the partitions, so it was able to rebuild the partition table based on sector locations of partitions it recognized.  Just a guess though, that's getting beyond my realm of knowledge.


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