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Re: .mov skipping?

On 2009-08-25 21:58, i'll teach you to turn away. wrote:
Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net> wrote:
RJ> On 2009-08-22 01:58, i'll teach you to turn away. wrote:
nope, all of the recent offenders report "ISO Media, Apple QuickTime movie" with file. the only working .movs i have around right now
RJ> Like I said, run idvid on them.

erm. installing tovid wants to remove a bunch of crap i use regularly. i hate that.

if that's what it comes down to, i guess i either wait for the appropriate upgrade to hit or i just suck it up. :/ thanks anyhow.

Really? It's Depends list isn't that unusual for this kind of s/w, so what does it want to deinstall?

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