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Re: Recommended Audio CD player?

Alan Greenberger wrote:
So, I don't know if you (or anyone else here) has any further thoughts/  
suggestions.  Google searches are now beginning to either throw back 
Have you run a mixer and made sure the volume is up and nothing is

What happens if you run
aplay something.wav


Nothing is muted - have double-checked and checked again - and as mentioned Rhythmbox picks up the drive okay ... just nothing else seems to.

Tried to do what you suggested and even when directing it to the drive I either get the response that it is not a directory or that the file doesn't exist.

I've gone through dmesg and the drive is definitely registered at boot up as /dev/sr0 but nothing touches it for audio CDs, except R'Box.  It is really frustrating because it seems contradictory: KsCD can read the tracks but won't play the disc, Goobox claims its an invalid drive even when directed to it on the command line.



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