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hostname question

Hi all,

I have a home server setup running Lenny.  I have a question about the
hostname and domain name.

On my server, I would like to host multiple websites using Apache and
virtual hosts.

I have a static IP address from my ISP over a DSL line.  There is a
router (wireless and wired) which routes to different computers on our
office LAN, one of which is my server.  I have configured the router to
use a static IP address for my server (, with all the
other computers being assigned dynamic IPs via DHCP.  The router
port-forwards the necessary incoming ports (HTTP, ssh) to my server.

My question is, how should my /etc/hosts file look.  Here is what my
current hosts file looks like:       localhost       MyLocalHostName.MyLocalDomainName   MyLocalHostName

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

My questions are:

*) Should I use the static IP assigned by my ISP or on the router?  Or
is the above correct?

*) Can / should the local domain name (used in /etc/hosts) be different
from the domain name of the website(s) that I am hosting?  ie, using
MyLocalDomainName rather than domainname I have registered for my website.

If I should use the registered domain name, how do I handle hosting
multiple domains on this server?  Which domain name would I use?

*) How does this differ from what is saved in /etc/hostname?  What if
these values differ?  Who uses /etc/hostname?

*) My current /etc/hostname contains the single line:


Is that correct?

Thanks for your help.

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