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Re: gpm buffer: CLI vs. X

s. keeling wrote:
Wayne Topa <linuxtwo@gmail.com>:
I mentioned I was running Squeeze. I was not asking for help. I was relaying my attempts to get it to do what it says it can do. A CLI -> X clipboard APP that works is what I wanted. After reading all the docs supplied, as well as Googleing for other methods, I am left still wanting.

Forgive me if I've misunderstood your need, but I suggest this; CLI
perl script you can use in either X or CLI, wraps your paste in html
and datestamps it, concatenates to an existing web page:

Thanks!  I'll give this a try.


#  ~/devl/perl/things.pl      replaces ~/sh/things.sh; datestamps,
#                             separates, and pretty-prints entries.
#  13Apr2002   s. keeling   0001   replace things.sh
#  10Oct2004   s. keeling   0002   writes html
#  12Jun2005   s. keeling   0003   reformatting, &lt; &gt;
#   1Jul2005   s. keeling   0004   move to ~/dox
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

use strict;
use warnings;

my $outfile = qq($ENV{HOME}/dox/things_to_remember.html);
my $now;
chomp( $now = qx(date) );

open( THINGS, ">> $outfile" ) ||
      die qq($0: could not open $outfile for append: $!);

print THINGS q(    <li> ) . $now . q(<br>) . "\n";
print THINGS q(      <pre>) . "\n";

while( <STDIN> ) {
    print THINGS;

print THINGS q(      </pre>) . "\n\n";
close( THINGS );


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