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Re: help, ive broken my linux but it still boots up!

On 2009-07-25 01:09, jeremy jozwik wrote:
so ive been running debian lenny for about a week. everythings been
hunky-dorry until this evening when i turned on my laptop and was
greeted with several seconds of this during the boot up process.

Maybe you removed some fonts? (Your gmail account hides your nation of origin, and thus important clues.)


along with that gobbely gook it beeps for about 3 seconds.

am i boned or is there any hope of a recovery to this?

Does it occur every time you boot?

Does your system otherwise run normally?

Is there much personal data on that machine that you couldn't back up to a CD/DVD-R or thumb drive?

Now that you installed once, think you could do it again, faster and better?

Is /home on a separate partition?  (If not, reinstall!!)

(Note that reinstalling 2-3 times when "young" is rather typical.)

This (dpkg --get-selections > /mnt/some_thumb/drive) will save your package list, which you can use to help get your system back to how it was.

Scooty Puff, Sr
The Doom-Bringer

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