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Re: Sadly... (was Re: normal firefox for debian lenny 64bit?)

It is so nice to see that there is a religion to responding to emails - analogous to the vi, emacs, wordstar, <fill in your favorite editor here> religions.

Although I agree in general with the notions of interleaving posts and trimming quotes, this sometimes takes things out of context.  I find it convenient  to have the context of the remarks below the response so I can read that if I am curious.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI <eduardo@kalinowski.com.br> wrote:
On Qui, 23 Jul 2009, Ron Johnson wrote:
On 2009-07-22 13:28, S. Fishpaste wrote:
Agreed, even in the web interface Google provides an option to bottom post
via their options. One does have to set GMail to use plain text for that to
work though. Simple enough to do.

But even amongst the clueful, very few do that, as demonstrated by the top-posting on this list.

The problem with Gmail is that while it is possible to use it properly (interleaved posting, trimming quotes, text only, replying to the proper message, etc.), its interface kind of stimulates _not_ doing so, especially for people not used for other e-mail interfaces.


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