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Re: Sadly... (was Re: normal firefox for debian lenny 64bit?)

On 2009-07-21 10:47, Tony Baldwin wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:
On 2009-07-21 09:59, Tim Tebbit wrote:

Please keep a handle on top posting.

This is a lost battle, thanks to The Evil That Is GMail.

You don't HAVE to top post using gmail.
Note that I am using a gmail address (with imap via mutt or icedove, usually, but still, even with the web interface, it only takes a second to move one's cursor to the bottom of a message and trim accordingly. Using gmail, or any other webmail, is a poor excuse for not taking two seconds to move the cursor and/or trim messages appropriately.

It's also a poor excuse to keep on using Windows because "that's what I'm used to, and refuse to change, even though I keep on getting infected", but 100 million lusers keep on using it...

Scooty Puff, Sr
The Doom-Bringer

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