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Re: shutdown in Xfce

On Tue,05.May.09, 20:42:13, Peter Crawford wrote:
> Andrei wrote,
> > exec startxfce4
> >
> > in .xinitrc and run startx.
> No improvement.  The Log Out button quits the X 
> session.  The Shut Down and Reboot buttons 
> produce a complaint and then quit the X session.
> Does the reboot/shutdown gadget work properly 
> for everyone else using Xfce in Squeeze?

No, I'm having troubles as well, see #525909 and #526009. Can you please 
follow-up on #525909. Please also include output of

dpkg -l xfce4*
dpkg -l consolekit
dpkg -l policykit

from within an X session:


and your .xinitrc and .xsession

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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