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Re: why must emacs depend on sound packages?

On Sat, May 02, 2009 at 12:47:31PM EDT, Harry Rickards wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Chris Jones wrote:
> > On Sat, May 02, 2009 at 07:30:25AM EDT, Harry Rickards wrote:

> ...
> >> Plus, even though emacs does other stuff apart from editing, what
> >> can emacs do that a separate tool can't do? Surely if emacs is more
> >> than an editor, it doesn't follow Doug McIlroy's UNIX philosophy:

> >> Write programs that *do one thing and do it well*. Write programs
> >> to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because
> >> that is a universal interface

> > Maybe one problem with that is that where there is some degree of
> > consistency across the board as long as you stick with line-mode
> > tools from the shell prompt, screen-mode programs are a different
> > story.
> > 
> > I find switching between vim.. mutt.. slrn.. Elinks.. mc ... rather
> > frustrating because they are all so different in terms of "look and
> > feel".

> > Since emacs & extensions appear to do everything I have currently
> > set up on my desktop including mail & web browsing and should
> > therefore provide one  consistent interface  that covers  my needs
> > out of  the box,  I am beginning to  think that if  I can find some
> > config file or  other that provides ergonomically sound keyboard
> > mappings, I should give it another shot.

> Fair point. I suppose if you care about the different "look and feel"s
> of your day to day tools, that might be an issue. However, I'm used to
> using different styles for each different application I use from my M$
> days. For example, Internet Explorer 8 and Outlook 2007 don't really
> have any design similarities, despite being the latest versions.


But I'm really talking low-level stuff like keyboard usability - one of
the very few things I rather like in Windows is that most everything can
be done without reaching for the mouse and that there is a standard way
of accessing a particular text-entry widget via an Alt+"underlined
letter". This may sound minor, but when you do that sort of thing
hundreds of times a day, it adds up.

Surely this is possible in both IE8 and Outlook 2007..?

> For your reason alone, I am now giving Emacs a try again.

Well, this time at least, I didn't post for nothing.




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