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Re: execution of exim by user

> "If by that you're referring to a UNIX/Linux system, ..."

Peter Crawford <creature.58@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Any system providing a command line is sufficient.  
> It could be a DEC VT100 or an Atari or a Mac Plus. 

I qualified my statement that /usr/lib/sendmail exists. If you're running
on a.n.other system then I wouldn't want to mislead you about the presence
(or otherwise) of an MTA.

> "I would recommend that you use /usr/lib/sendmail as 
> the executable target as it's always there regardless 
> of the actual MTA."

> OK.  If, five years hence, sendmail moves to /usr/share/ 
> my template will still fail.  But then I should remember 
> to check the path.

It's been /usr/lib/sendmail for as far back as I can remember. (Mid
'80s?) On my exim based system it's a symlink. I would expect that other
non-sendmail MTAs did the same. (Postfix, anyone?)


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