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Re: Using UNRAR (create 1 iso from 19 archives)

On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 08:58, Felix Miata <mrmazda@ij.net> wrote:
> On http://www.dvdboard.de/forum/showthread.php?t=121319 are links to 19 RAR
> archives, plus md5, plus a .sfv file that contains a list of the 19 files
> with what looks like checksums, that I downloaded. I am instructed there
> only in German, which I do not read nor speak, to use Windoz to reconstruct a
> service DVD required to fix my DVD recorder. Using 'unrar -l *.rar' I am told
> 0 files (and only in volume 1). Using 'unrar -t *.rar' I am told
> No files to extract. Using 'unrar -l pioneer_service.partNN.sfv' I am told
> not RAR archive. Can anyone tell me how to extract an iso from these files
> using Linux?

sfv is simple file verification, and has nothing to do with rar per se.
Normally the way to use a split rar like this is to do this:

rar x pioneer_service.part01.rar

This should extract any and all files from any number of archive parts.
It is remotely possible that the files where split and need to be joined,
although if that was the case the names would usually be something
like "pioneer_service.rar.01". To join files on Linux simply do this:

cat file1 file2 file3 > final_file_name

But as I said, I do not think that is the case here. If rar does not work
it is possible that one or more of the files you downloaded got corrupted,
and may need to be re-downloaded. You can use md5sum to check the
files manually, or install cksfv and use it with the sfv file.

Kelly Clowers

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