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Re: ubuntu debian question


George Phile wrote:
> Sir/Madam,
> Is there any web site I can go to to search for Greeting Card Software
> which run on Ubuntu - Debian? 
> A handfull of people have advised me to go to this platform and operating
> system but it is for my wife and the only thing she does is search the web,
> manage her email and make greeting cards.
> I have spent the last hour or so trying to find Greeting Card Software for
> Ubuntu - Debian....all to no avail.

I am not sure I understand what you mean by this. If you can explain a
bit what constitutes making a greeting card for your wife (does she do
this online via a browser, or in a graphics application, etc.), you can
get better feedback.

Having said that, I have on various occasions made cards to be sent out
to relatives using various graphics applications in Debian and Ubuntu,
namely Gimp, Inkscape and Openoffice.org.

> Is Ubuntu only for businesses?  If so, that may be why I can't find
> anything.

Nope, it is not only for businesses. It is for the masses :)

> If not, maybe I just don't know what to search for.

Just explain a bit what exactly you want to accomplish in steps. That is
the best starting point, IMHO.



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