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Re: The size by default of the /usr partition is becoming too small


> I'm french user of Debian. Excuse my english.

Your english is surely much better than most of this list's french.
However, since very few speak an international neutral language, you
should use this[1] list instead.

> For several years, the size suggested during
> the installation for the /usr partition has been 5 GigaByte (GB).
> However the softwares becomes increasingly large:
> open office 3.01, Gimp 2.6, pidgin, Xsane, KDE 4.2.2 ,…

It's sad, for me, that as hardware becomes faster/bigger/stronger/etc
programmers seem to slack and create applications (with programming
languages than tend to be higher and higher level) that do the same
their earlier versions did, but that are much bigger and
resource-consuming. But this is just me... If i can have the same
functionality, i'll prefer it small and fast.

> The size by default of the /usr partition is becoming too small (5 GB).

Maybe it's not feasible for your current installation, but maybe you
could check out LVM[2] - it's supposed to help with this issue.

> I think it is urgent to propose a default size of 10 to 15 GB for the /usr partition. I am not sufficiently expert to make it myself during installation.

Well... YMMV :) My /usr directory is using 4.1GB :) so i'm still under
that limit. Consider these packages: fslint, localepurge,
deborphan/orphaner; also checkinstall when isntalling/compiling from
source; and apt-get autoremove or autoclean (or whichever commands for
your PM, i think aptitude does autoremove auto-matically), or even
removing the *.deb in /var/cache/apt/archives.

Nuno Magalhães

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-french/
[2] http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestion_par_volumes_logiques

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