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Postfix Transport Maps and MXs Ignored After Upgrade to Lenny

I just upgraded from etch to lenny and my previously working postfix transport map seems to now be ignored under postfix 2.5.5-1.1. Messages that used to be relayed successfully are now rejected with "Relay access denied." Also, messages addressed to any machines whose MX points to this server running lenny postfix 2.5.5-1.1 are also rejected with "Relay access denied."

I've found a workaround in listing the subdomains in /etc/postfix/transport and MX'd machines as relay_domains in /etc/postfix/main.cf, but this seems redundant.

Have there been any similar reports of this behavior? Any thoughts on how to address this issue? If anyone is able to look into this, I'd be happy to send along any needed details & info.

Thank you.

  Eric Cunningham
  Computer and Information Services - http://www.whoi.edu/CIS
  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - http://www.whoi.edu
  Woods Hole, MA  02543-1541     phone: (508) 289-2224
  fax: (508) 457-2174           e-mail: ecunningham@whoi.edu

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