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Re: Unable to start postgresql on Debian

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Foss User <fossist@gmail.com> wrote:
> I installed postgresql using the following commands:
> aptitude update
> aptitude install postgresql
> I tried to start it:
> /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 start
> But I don't find any process with the 'sql' string in it in the ps
> list. Also, I am unable to connect using psql. There are no logs in
> /var/log/postgresql directory.
> Could someone please help in troubleshooting this?

I did a little bit of troubleshooting myself by putting echo
statements in the /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 file and the script it
calls: /usr/share/postgresql-common/init.d-functions

The script is looking for /etc/postgresql/8.3 directory but it does
not exist on my Debian Squeeze. So, the init script fails. Could
someone please tell me why this happened.

I checked all the postgre .deb files in my /var/apt/cache/archives
directory. None of the postgre .deb files have this
/etc/postgresql/8.3 directory. has something gone wrong with the deb
packages in testing?

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