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Re: upgrade problem [SOLVED]

On 20 April 2009 02:57:57 Alex Samad wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 12:14:45AM +0200, Thierry Chatelet wrote:
> > HI list,
> > Igot a package, acpid, which does not want to upgrade. I tried to remove
> > it,
> me 2, try add exit 0 to /etc/init.d/acpid on the second line (after
> stopping the services), then try the upgrade again
> > re-install it but nothing work. Here is the error message I get:
> [snip]
> > Help welcome
> > Thierry

Thank you for your answer. However, this did not work. After much googling, I 
suspected that splashy was the gulty one. Indeed, removing splashy made acpid 
install correctly. Reinstalling splashy after did work too. I tried that 
because I found on internet that some one with problem updating 
network-manager had to remove splashy to get it to work, and some one with an 
other package (don't remember which one) had to do the same.
I guess a bug report should be filled agains splashy, but I dont know how to 
describe it in a useful manner.

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