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Re: how can i turn /dev/null into an MTA?

2009/4/14 Douglas A. Tutty <dtutty@vianet.ca>:
> Unix without an MTA???

You're completely right, Unix is nothing without an MTA! Even
Gameservers are or watching videos is worse without one...ERRRRR

What about a centralized syslog-server which then sends the mail? What
about gameservers with MTA or a cluster client with MTA? In all of
these cases an MTA on each server is not required.

On a small debian system only fcron (which is a depency of logrotate)
needs an MTA installed. I have some computers running on lenny here
but i use a centralized syslog for that, so an MTA is NOT a depency,
only a recommendation.

Additionally, most Debian users are NOT setting up their exim so an
MTA is installed but cannot be used.

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