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Re: default web browser

On 16 Apr 2009, Mark Grieveson wrote:
> mark@debian:~$ update-alternatives --list x-www-browser
> bash: update-alternatives: command not found
> mark@debian:~$ su
> Password: 
> debian:/home/mark# update-alternatives --list x-www-browser
> /usr/bin/iceweasel
> debian:/home/mark# update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
> There is only 1 program which provides x-www-browser
> (/usr/bin/iceweasel). Nothing to configure.
> debian:/home/mark# 
> So, given that OpenOffice.org is still using lynx when I choose the
> "more dictionaries online" option, what do I do now?

What does sensible-browser give? I'm interested because I also have a
problem of this kind. I want reportbug to use dillo to show bug reports,
and the man page says that it uses sensible- browser to decide which
browser to use for this. I therefore put "export BROWSER = dillo" in
~/.bashrc and sensible-browser does indeed give dillo, but reportbug 
still wants to use firefox.

I've run update-alternatives on the lines suggested above and I'll see
what happens.


Anthony Campbell - ac@acampbell.org.uk 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux
http://www.acampbell.org.uk (blog, book reviews, 
and sceptical articles)

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