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Re: I can't send email to yahoo with my postfix server

Le Thursday 16 April 2009 19:12:31 Maurice Guerrier, vous avez écrit :
> Hello,
> I configure my postfix server, I can send email to user on the same pc, but
> When I try to send email to yahoo user. It doesn't work
> In the fiIe main.cf, i put in relay host [smt.neuf.fr] for my ISP, but my
> domain is paris.fr, I put in myhostname="server.paris.fr" the name of my
> server is "server"
>  mydestination = paris.fr, server.paris.fr, localhost.paris.fr localhost
> in my /etc/resolv.conf, I put : search paris.fr (my server DNS)
>                                             namerserver  (DNS
> name of my ISP and it's also the gateway) nameserver (my dns
> server)
> You think that i missed something ?
> Guerrier MAURICE
> Cell.: +33(0) 6 10 30 43 46

Your domaine does not exist on Internet, your ISP will certainly block mails 
with a sender from an unknown domain.

You must masquerade your domaine behind your ISP'one.

Or better, use a real DNS name (you can use free ones, if you don't mind using 
their top level domains : dyndns.org, no-ip.org, homelinux.org...).

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