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startx resets kbdrate of the Linux console

Mostly I use the framebuffer console with screen. When I start up
Xwindows on occasion, it resets kbdrate to slower settings than I
like. My solution so far is to start X with this script:

    # startx seems to mess with kbdrate...set it back to what I like
    sudo kbdrate -r 30 -d 250 -s

This returns the repeat rate & delay to what works better for me upon
closing Xwindows. But there is still the problem that kbdrate remains
at a slower setting as long as X is running. Switching away from X to
another VT and issuing  sudo kbdrate -r 30 -d 250 -s  does nothing.
The delay and repeat rate can only be re-set after closing X.

In my .xinitrc there is this:    xset m 2 5 r rate 250 30

Which sets the delay and repeat rate for everything in Xwindows, but
switching to another VT finds the console stuck at slower settings.

Is there some way to avoid the way Xwindows resets kbdrate?



John Magolske

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