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How to see the output of a custom init script on Lenny?


I have written a simplistic custom init script that makes a backup of my
entire system using `rsync -vv`. I have symlinked this script as
/etc/rc0.d/K00backup and /etc/rc6.d/K00backup so that the backup occurs
whenever I reboot or shut down.

When I was using Etch I would see the output of rsync when I shut down
my system. Now with Lenny I don;t see the output anymore. From what
Google tells me this is because under Lenny the init scripts should use
the lsb functions to output and that all normal output is now hidden.

Making a backup of my system takes some time, hence my use of -vv and
--progress on rsync so I can see how far it is. I would like to see that
output when I shut down my system. There does not appear to be an lsb
init function that I can simply pipe the output of rsync to.

How do I make the rsync output appear when I shut down my system?

Thanks in advance,

Sander Marechal

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