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I am here today to inform you that there is development. I have paid the
insurance/mailing cost which is total of $1,750.00 After I have paid the
fee I was instructed by the Manager of the Bank of issuance to get the check
clear from the clearing department to avoid any kind of expire due to the
date given to the check which I hoped will be done today because I have
deposited it to the clearing department yesterday. The Bank manager told
me that they will package the whole money $800,000.00 in cash into one iron
box and will be delivered to you through Official Diplomatic Courier Service
to your address received.

I will receive the box from the Bank today thereafter they have packaged
the total fund and I will deposit it in the courier office for the shipment.
Your are advised to reconfirm your full information to avoid mistake on
arrival of the diplomat in your country such as:

1, Your name and address where the diplomat will deliver the box.
2, Your current cell phone number for easy communications.
3, Your international passport or driver's licence for identification by
the diplomat who will accompany the box to your address.

I am happy that all arrangement concerning the shipment will be concluded
today. Be inform that you will take care of clearing of the box when the
diplomat is arrives in your country before him will move to your house and
deliver the box to you. Please, do not tell the diplomat that the content
is money till he delivered the consignment to you ok.

I wait for your urgent reply as soon as you receive this mail. please reply
to  my privat email( morisemorgan@myway.com)
I whish you  Success.



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