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grip encoding to mp3 when ogg selected?


I have a Samsung yp-u3 mp3/ogg player (which sadly does not appear as
mass storage drive but rather as mtp). I use grip to rip to wav and
encode my CDs to ogg.

The ripper is set to "grip (paranoia)" and rips to wav:
#file test.wav
RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, stereo 44100 Hz

The encoder is set to "oggenc", in /usr/bin/oggenc - exists and works.
The encoder comand-line [options] is set to:
-b %b -a %A -N %t -l %d -t %n -o %m %w, which matches the flags in man
oggenc and %switches in grip's help.

However, the outputed files are mp3:
#file test.ogg
Audio file with ID3 version 2.3, MP3 encoding

The player will "read", but there's no sound.

If i use the command-line:
#oggenc -o test02.ogg test02.wav
#file Ogg data, Vorbis audio, stereo, 44100 Hz, ~112000 bps, created
by: Xiph.Org libVorbis I

The player will read without any problems. Obviously, i'd rather use
grip for an entire CD instead of the command-line for each track.
Where's the obvious that i'm missing here? any help?

Nuno Magalhães

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