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Re: Best File System for Cross-Platform backup

2008/12/25 Andrei Popescu <andreimpopescu@gmail.com>:
> I don't know about Macs, but NTFS might also be an option with ntfs-3g.

Macs (OS X) can read NTFS w/out modification, and can be made able to
write to NTFS too. I seem to recall that the software I used to do
this last time I needed to was freeware, though it may not have been
libre. I forget the name of the piece of software I used, but I'm sure
a web search will turn up one or two obvious options for the job.

FWIW, I tend to go for NTFS when I want a partition that's as
cross-platform usable as possible, if it's a partition too large for

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