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Re: nrg2iso

Gabriel Parrondo wrote:
El sáb, 20-12-2008 a las 09:45 +0000, steef escribió:
Eduard Bloch wrote:
*sudo nrg2iso /home/steef/Desktop/PF2.nrg /home/steef/Desktop/PF3.iso
it seemed to work,
and i burnt the result, PF3.iso, onto a dvd
with # growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/scd0:/home/steef/Desktop/PF3.iso
Try this:

mount foo.nrg /bla -oloop,offset=307200

If you can read the files in /bla directory then you can try to burn
from the intermediate loop device with a command like

wodim -dev=/dev/scd0 -isosize /dev/loopX

You can identify your loop device via "mount | grep loop". Or RTFM of
the losetup command if you don't like the mount command above.

But, as said, I would just use NeroLinux.

thanks eduard, i'll was already experimenting with loop && to get a sight on how things are in my iso_files.

So, what are the results of those experiments?

hi eduardo,

i did:

steef@etchschijf:~$ sudo mount /home/steef/Desktop/pf2.iso /home/steef/Desktop/ISO -t iso9660 -o loop
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
      missing codepage or other error
      In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
      dmesg | tail  or so
the same thing happened with the original nrg_file out of which pdf2.iso was derived.

i'll look into the logs, allthough i know for sure the pdf2.iso file is corrupt. the command mounted another non-corrupt iso.file without a problem in the ISO directory.

regards and thanks for your kind help,


steef van duin

publicist, research-journalist

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