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Re: Can't Play Online Radio Station

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 14:21:26 -0600, Kent West wrote:
> Hey folks!
> I'm trying to play the radio link here:
> http://www.97gold.com/ (then the "Click here" link just under the jukebox)
> but I can't seem to connect.


> Does anyone have any suggestions for what I should do next? Can you play
> this radio station?

After I use the "Click here" link and enter a bogus ZIP code, I arrive
at a page that has the gall to suggest that I install the foul
abomination that is known as "silverlight" in certain circles. However,
when I follow the link "Not hearing audio? Click here" instead then I
come to a page that lets me play the stream with flashplayer after it
makes me sit through some advertisements. (I run Sid/amd64 with
flashplayer-mozilla 2:10.0.d20.7-0.1 from debian-multimedia.)

Regards,            | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
          Florian   |

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