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Re: Making sure eth interfaces are numbered consistently

On Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 11:26:34 -0600, Ron Johnson (ron.l.johnson@cox.net) wrote: 

> On 12/09/08 11:22, Micha Feigin wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i have 4 network interfaces in my machine all using the e1000e driver.
>> Can I be assured that they are all numbered consistently on each boot (i.e that
>> the same card is always eth0) or if not, is there a way to force it?
> Yes.  Look in:
> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

One way is with ifrename [1] which is maybe just a convenient front-end
to Ron's suggestion.

[1] # aptitude install ifrename 


Bob Cox.  Stoke Gifford, near Bristol, UK.
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