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NFS problems with files.

I am testing a courier-postfix setup using nfs for the Maildir folders
on debian etch, and my client machine is debian/lenny. Everything
seems to work just peachy except for when I use pop/imap for access to
the mail. I have tried with both icedove and evolution using imap and
pop and the problem seems to be identical. Furthermore I have tried
using the Maildir folders on the nfs and on the local server. When I
put the Maildir folders on the local machine everything works fine,
when I put them on nfs I get the problem.

So I think I have this nailed down to nfs.

nfsstats does not show any problems, and dmesg and /var/log/syslog do
not show anything from the nfs related software. The network is clean,
and I can do typical operations on the nfs mount (touch, mv, del

But when I check mail I get files that look like this...

Output of ls -al /var/mail/username/Maildir/new

?--------- ? ?        ?                 ?                ?

And to get a little weirder when I do...
ls -al 1228445413.V10I5400aaM156972.mail

On the troubled file and in that directory I get this:
ls: 1228445413.V10I5400aaM156972.mail: No such file or directory

And the last bread crumb on this troubled path is in syslog...
pop3d-ssl: rename(./new/1228445413.V10I5400aaM156972.mail,./cur/1228445413.V10I5400aaM156972.mail:2,)
failed: No such file or directory

After a short while they go away, but in the meantime it causes my
mail client problems. I have been all over google and courier's
website as well as looking at any information I can find on nfs. How
do I go about stomping on this bug?


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