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results: debian-user's favourite FLOSS (2008)


Following is the results of a poll that has been running for about 2
weeks, one which questions readers of debian-user to list their
favourite FLOSS -> Free (Libre) or Open Source Software.

There's the usual stars in the form of Firefox/Iceweasel and GIMP, as
well as aptitude, and great growth being OpenOffice.org's word
processor. Interestingly there wasn't as many votes for Acroread in
the non-free category, perhaps because FLOSS alternatives are really
gaining traction. There's also the usual category killers in the form
of Audacity, K3b, and MPlayer.

Listed below is entries which received at least 3 entries; for
anything else, please do search the archive. In brackets is the years
when specific entrants won (and this is since 2005). Here goes:

audio editor:
* Audacity x9 [2005 to 2007]

audio player:
* Amarok x9 [2005, 2007]
* MOC x3

* Sound Juicer x5 [2005, 2007]

desktop OR window manager:
* GNOME x9 [2005 to 2007]
* KDE x8 [2007]
* XFCE4 x6

* MySQL x5 [2005 to 2007]

* Emacs x5
* GCC x4 [2007]
* Python x3
* Vim x3

disc burner:
* K3b x14 [2005 to 2007]
* wodim/cdrecord x6
* Brasero x4

e-mail client:
* Mutt x10 [2006, 2007]
* Thunderbird/Icedove x9 [2005]
* Claws Mail x3

file manager:
* Konqueror x8 [2007]
* MC x5 [2005, 2006]
* Nautilus x5
* Thunar x3

ftp client:
* Konqueror x5
* lftp x4
* filezilla x3
* ftp x3

* Wesnoth x4
* Nethack x3

image creator/editor:
* GIMP x19 [2005 to 2007]

image viewer:
* eog x6
* gThumb x3 [2005, 2006]

instant messenger:
* Pidgin x5 [2005 to 2007]
* Kopete x4

misc utilities:
* screen x6 [2007]
* Git x5
* ssh (of OpenSSH) x3

* ktorrent x4
* deluge x3
* rtorrent x3

package manager:
* Aptitude x16 [2005 to 2007]
* APT x9
* dpkg x3
* Synaptic x3

* Evince x8
* Kpdf x7
* xpdf x6 [2006, 2007]
* Okular x3

* OOo-Calc x11 [2006, 2007]
* Gnumeric x8

terminal emulator:
* Konsole x7 [2007]
* urxvt x5
* GNOME Terminal x4 [2005, 2006]

text editor:
* Vim x12 [2006, 2007]
* Emacs x6
* gedit x4
* nano x5
* Kate x3

video player:
* Mplayer x15 [2005 to 2007]
* VLC x8
* Kaffeine x3
* xine x3

web browser:
* Firefox/Iceweasel x21 [2005 to 2007]
* Links2 x4

* OOo-writer x20 [2006, 2007]
* Abiword x6
* Latex x3

* Skype x4
* Opera x3

anything unreleased and highly anticipated:
* Debian Lenny x4

anything FLOSS deserving great honours (EG. Linux, GCC):
* Linux x4

any organisation/community deserving great honours (EG. GNU, Debian):
* Debian x9

any FLOSS developer deserving great honours (max 5 at most, unless you insist):
* Richard Stallman x4
* Linus Torvalds x4

For comparison, look at last year's results:

Thanks for participating and sharing, for this may pretty well benefit others...

my place on the web:

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