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Re: framemaker replacement ?

Hendrik Boom wrote:
> I have  friend who's interested in trying out free software.  Her 
> immediate request is for something to replace Framemaker.  It seems she's 
> involved in the use of Framemaker to make "books" for salesmen.
> I have little more information about her application at present, but I 
> expect to speak to her in detail in the near future, and it would help 
> immensely to have a bit of familiarity with what's available.  Pointers 
> to reviews, names of packages, etc., most welcome.
> So. what Linux tools (or, if need be, free tools that also work on 
> Windows) are available that have a chance of accomplishing what 
> Framemaker does?
> Myself, I hand-code HTML in emacs when I want to create a document.  Or 
> write a custom C program to generate postscript code.  But I think she's 
> enough of an end-user that she'd appreciate this method.  In any case, 
> the salesmen wouldn't.

My initial response to this would have been that there is nothing free
that comes close to FrameMaker and I was about to suggest that she
simply uses the Linux port of it.  After a little searching it turns out
my information is woefully outdated, the Linux port has been dead since
2000 :-)

Anyway, I also stumbled across this article on replacing FrameMaker with
OO.o[1].  It's from 2004 so I can only hope that recent developments
have made it an even better candidate.


[1]: http://www.linux.com/articles/39406

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