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Re: HELP - Installing Firefox 3 on Debian Etch

Carlos Carrero Gutierrez wrote:
Hi, i would like to install Firefox 3 on my Debian Etch. Then, i need
gtk 2.12 or newer.

But when i try to compile gtk 2.14 i need:
pango, glib, pkg-config, cairo, atk...

Well, i have compiled all succesfully except atk 1.2.4, it says:
checking for GLIB - version >= 2.0.0...
*** 'pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0' returned 2.18.3, but GLIB
*** was found! If pkg-config was correct, then it is best
*** to remove the old version of GLib. You may also be able to fix the
*** by modifying your LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable, or by editing
*** /etc/ld.so.conf. Make sure you have run ldconfig if that is
*** required on your system.
*** If pkg-config was wrong, set the environment variable
*** to point to the correct configuration files
configure: error:
*** GLIB 2.0.0 or better is required. The latest version of
*** GLIB is always available from ftp://ftp.gtk.org/.

I remove glib 1.12 (with some paquets) but it says the same.

What could I do? Somebody could help me?

Thank you very much, I appreciate your help.

Did you try the firefox binary from the mozilla site? I have it working on both etch-amd64 as well as etch-i386.

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