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Re: Very slim Desktop Manager

Op 23 Nov 2008 23:23:20 GMT, Howard Eisenberger wrote:
> On 2008-11-18, s. keeling <keeling@nucleus.com> wrote:
> > Not to mention, gpm config is a black art.  I have no clue how to
> > gpm my mouse, and haven't for years.  I knew how long ago, but gpm
> > is not easy these days.  What protocol does a three button, serial,
> > logitech mouse use?  None of what I've tried work.  M/N:M-M35?
> I have a few new Logitech three button, PS/2, M/N:M-S35 and I couldn't
> get them to work either. In the pile of el-cheapo PS/2 and serial
> mice I have here, they are the only ones that don't work "out of the
> box".

An M/N:M-S35 Logitech three button PS/2 mouse is exactly what I have,
and gpm always worked fine, in Sarge, Etch, Lenny and Sid.

Following the directions at
I have this in /etc/gpm.conf :


And the gpm daemon should be running.
The geek way to get it running is to study runlevels in the Debian
Reference, then rename files in /etc/rc[1-5].d/
AFAIR, files named K20gpm should be renamed to S20gpm here, at least
in /etc/rc2.d, runlevel 2 being the default runlevel in Debian.

But a more convenient way is to start sysv-rc-conf as root and check at
least runlevel 2 for gpm here.
My gpm line in sysv-rc-conf looks like this:

service    1      2      3      4      5      6     0      S
gpm       [ ]    [X]    [X]    [X]    [X]    [ ]   [ ]    [ ]

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