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Re: Pasting the old config file to new kernel source for compilation..

2008/11/24 boss ganesh <boss.gan@gmail.com>:
> I have pasted the config file of 2.6.18 (already compiled working kernel
> config file) to kernel source of version 2.6.26 , after that also it is
> asking queries without compiling it when i ran the command "make" ..
> why  is it  happening like that?

Did you run "make oldconfig"?

This checks your .config file and asks you questions to new options
available in the new kernel source.

Be sure to read the file called README, it's in bold for a reason.
There is also "make help"


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
<erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

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