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Xorg not starting fully on Thinkpad T21

Morning all.

I've got quite an intermittent problem with my laptop:
When I boot, sometimes it gets as far as starting GDM, and then the screen goes blank as per the usual change from a text display to a graphical one, but the grahical one doesn't appear - I'm left with a blank screen that is definitely powered up. ctrl-alt-F* doesn't get me anything viewable. It's not yet happened on enough of a network for me to know whether the network's still up or see if I can ssh in. In general, powering it off then rebooting gets it working. It does work more times than not, but I'm not sure of the ratio. Somewhere a bit better than half successful, I'd imagine.

It's an IBM Thinkpad T21, with a Savage graphics chipset. I'm running Debian 4 fully updated.
The xorg log is at:
And doesn't seem to contain any errors, but I don't really know what to look for beyond EE and WW.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Avi Greenbury :) http://aviswebsite.co.uk


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